Monday, July 20, 2015

Where does Government Fit in Social Innovation?

This week’s readings relate to identifying critical roles of government in social innovations. It became evident through a series of articles that government does have a critical role in the development, implementation and impact of social innovation initiatives. The role of government can vary from financial capital, human capital, “funder-in-chief”, or simply creating a space for social innovation to flourish.
In the article “To Beat Back Poverty, Pay the Poor,” the author identified government as the principle provider for the social innovation of conditional cash transfer grants. The of concept conditional cash transfer programs are not new to public policy and poverty alleviation, but the ways in which they have been used in recent years has shown innovation.  It shows how the concept of human centered design is not limited only to products and private firms. It shows how government’s and its agencies can act as social innovators in itself. The Program in Brazil has shown how Human Centered Designed (HCD) created through a government program can change the social impact of entire demographic in a country. The program fits the context of HCD perfectly. The program generated solutions to problems and created opportunities, through the act of creating a new outcome, where the program is driven by the needs, desires, and context for whom it was designed[1]. Poverty in Brazil has fell from 22 percent to 7 percent between 2003-2009[2]. The people in low-income areas need money, that why they are deemed to be in a low-income areas. The programs provide money to people with the condition that they invest in themselves. It’s the same concept that most low, middle, and high incomes families use. They invest in time, money, space, and everything else in themselves and their children. The only exception is that low-income families can do it even more now. The program looks at the needs and desires of people in the position in which they are placed in society, and gives them a new solution to their problem.
This case is a prime example of what social innovation is about. Its about the ability of people, agencies, corporations or entitles to address problems that have been gorging society by creating new ideas that impact societies problems, which impact everyone. It is false to think that a corporation or any entity can exist without society or even further peaceful society.  I challenge those that oppose the idea of human centered ideology to think of a company or government that can operate with no citizens or customers. It is apparent that social innovation needs a space in society where it can flourish and grow as a field and practice. Government can play a major role in creating the space and capacity for social innovation, especially in today’s time. So, the question for the reader is where does government and social innovation go from here?

[1] Rosenberg, Tina. To beat back Poverty, Pay the Poor. 2011. 2015 <>.
[2] Zack, Tim. Solutions and Enablers to Basic Human Needs. Pittsburgh, 2015.

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