Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Does money really kill need?

One of the readings we got this week was about Finland wanting to replace their welfare program with a minimum income for all residents. Since I am german the whole debate about general income is a "hot" and important issue that is currently discussed in all over Europe.

What does that exactly mean? Finnland is known as one of the best working welfare states in the world, but they are thinking of changing their system to pay everyone a monthly amount of number, no strings attached. Actually, since the article is already one year old, Finnland is already in the next phase of their plan. They are testing basic income for 2,000 unemployed citizens for a period of two years. These citizens are supposed to get 560€ a month and most importantly this money is bound to no other conditions. They will get this money, even if they find employment during this time, which is supposed to increase the incentive for a job search.

Basic income has a couple of advantages. First of all it will lead to much less beaurocracy, which growing up in a social democracy can be a lot and also costs quite a sum of money. Since everyone will get the same amount of money regardless of what, the whole apparatus controlling welfare money, would cease.
Many argue as well that it would pose as an incentive for lowering the unemployment rate, since people who already have a secure income source don`t have to worry anymore about getting less than maybe before.
The third argument would be that some say it would solve a lot of social problems, since everyone would be cover for minimum income. Switzerland, for example, had a referendum this June about whether it would implement a basic income for everyone with the key argument that it would be fair for everyone to have the security of a generell, though minimum, money flow. The referendum was dismissed.

Despite this positive points a lot of people are still critical about the actual benefit of the system, since no one has really tried it out. The main argument against basic income is that some don’t believe it would serve as an incentive but more as demotivating for job searches of unemployed person, since the already have the guarantee of a monthly check.
However I don`t believe that money will kill the need for a job, because nowadays a job isn`t just a workplace, where you earn money to eat and pay for the nice things in life. Many see their job as fulfilling and really want to work. People define themselves through their work. As Marx once said: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". I think basic income would achieve that everyone could work according to their abbilities and needs and not take any job just for the money. Therefore people would be more content with their work and would likely enjoy going there.

Finland - the world will be watching your "trial phase" and I am really interested what will come out of it. I hope this will give us some real evidence whether or not money kills the need for work.

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