Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The real impact of 'Human Centered Design' for old techie

Last semester, I took 'Design strategy' class, by Gill Wildman in Design school, and got a significant moment to re-consider the approach to make a better technology.

Before understanding 'Human Centered Design' way, I always try to produce an advanced technology. For example, when I make a music device, I like to achive more wide frequency range and smallest or biggest scale and fastest response speed such as a hardware progress and high-end functions.  

However, after having HCD methods, I could touch the more deep side of user's demand and re-think a real key factor for user like emotion. 

So, instead of market research, reviewing existing models and new sensor and chips, I started to watch and observe people who listen music in public space or private place and listening related situations like the moment of playing instrument and watching movie. And then, I found there is certain degrees of people's emotion when they listen music. Actually, playing music could bring biggest emotion to user and joining a club and live concert are the second degree, of course, listing music in a room was not much excited than other cases. 

From this observation, I defined the map of user’s various music experiences to reveal why it is different by design thinking method. By this map, when user plays an instrument, user’s emotion is getting bigger than just listening since there are frequent interactions with touchiness and sound during playing and it increases user’s feeling. 

Now, I'm in the process of making new device to give more intensive and interesting music experience to user with new tangible interface to trigger frequent interactions which is impossible project before knowing HCD approach. 

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